Sommerhus (2011)
I am interested in the expectation that the photograph provides us with access to the past. When placed alongside other photographs and objects, such as in an archive, threads of a story may begin to appear. However, these threads often seem random and unconnected. The photograph, like the archive, offers itself up to interpretation, yet, elusive in nature it cannot reveal everything. Each photograph has personal meaning to someone, which is lost to anyone else. ‘Sommerhus’ is a reflection on the photograph and these characteristics, but also has a personal story to tell.
Shortly before she was diagnosed with cancer, my mother began sorting our family archive of photographs. As the illness advanced this activity became a focal point for her. I was also drawn to this mass of photographs, questioning what they meant to me and fearing their existence beyond my mothers. We keep photographs to remind ourselves of how things were, yet they cannot match the memory or the reality and over time their stories are lost. During this painful time I struggled with these objects, which although precious, hold so many unfulfilled promises.
Sommerhus was displayed at the Trueman Brewery, London in June 2011. It is a multi-media installation including sound, lights, objects and photographs.